All AAIA Committees, with the exception of Steering and Auditor, shall be chaired by an AAIA Board Officer or Director. This will provide effective oversight and facilitate reporting and communication with the Board.
Executive Committee: Consists of the President, Immediate Past President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The Committee acts for the Board of Directors in approval of applications for membership, reclassifying or classifying members or upon any business of the Association of an emergency nature or requiring prompt action of the Board. The actions of this Committee will be presented to the Board of Directors for ratification.
Mike Gee
Kelly Odermott
Elizabeth McMaken
Paula Murphy
Tianna Dumond
Conference Committee: Consists of the current year conference chair, prior year conference chair, Vice President, Treasurer, CPE Coordinator, and others as appointed by the President. The Committee is responsible for the overall coordination and execution of the Annual Conference.
Usha Yarlagadda, Chair
Kim Cox
Tianna Dumond
Stacy Howze
Mike Gee
Samson Kimilu
Elizabeth McMaken
Garrett Meyer
Paula Murphy
Robert Shaul
Tiffany Underwood
Education Committee: Consists of one or more members appointed by the President. The Committee plans education programs and workshops to provide professional growth opportunities for Registrants, works directly with the Vice President to develop the educational program for the annual conference, and is responsible for maintaining records to support the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) requirements (for CPE credits) and coordinates with the Conference Chairperson and the President to assure compliance. It was formerly known as the Continuing Professional Development Committee.
Kelly Odermott, Chair
Arturo Arispe
Mike Gee
Lesley Lightfoot
Janice Mirarchi
Tiffany Underwood
Governance Committee: Consists of two or more members appointed by the President. The Committee is responsible for reviewing the Association Bylaws and Policies, as well as reviewing Officer, Director, and Committee roles and responsibilities.
Information Technology and Communications Committee:
On November 21, 2024 the AAIA Board voted and approoved the combination of these two committees. Consists of two or more members appointed by the President. The Committee provides input and guidance related to technology advancements of the Association. This Committee is responsible for website updates, forum moderation, and website administration. The Committee is responsible for dissemination of information to all members of the Association. The Committee will help develop content for email communications and LinkedIn communications.
Vacant, Chair
Kim Cox
Stacy Howze
Elizabeth McMaken
Paula Murphy
Kelly Odermott
Membership Committee: Consists of two or more members appointed by the President. The Committee actively recruits new members, and reports membership information to the Board of Directors.
Kim Cox, Chair
Samson Kimilu
Paula Murphy
Janice Mirarchi
Robert Shaul
Nominating Committee: Consists of three members appointed by the President. The Committee is responsible for submitting the names of nominees for Officer and Director positions for a vote at the annual business meeting of the members.
Tianna Dumond
Janice Mirarchi
Wayne Robinson
Steering Committee: Consists of one or more members appointed by the President. The Committee provides overall guidance to the President and provides resources to assist with implementation of AAIA philosophy. The Committee shall work closely with the President.
Tianna Dumond
Wayne Robinson
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