Wayne Robinson, Past President
Mr. Robinson is the Internal Auditor responsible for audit and contract compliance at the Manchester-Boston Regional Airport since 2002. Before joining the airport, Wayne worked as a mayoral assistant responsible for budgetary affairs and administration to Mayor Robert Baines.
Before joining Mayor Baines’ staff, he worked for over ten years in banking, responsible for accounting, financial analysis, and asset-liability management.
Mr. Robinson graduated from Southern New Hampshire University with a degree in Economics and Finance.
Mr. Robinson has been a trustee of the Granite YMCA for over 20 years. He has held many volunteer positions during this time, including serving as chairperson of the Board of Trustees, chairperson of the Allard Center of Goffstown Advisory Board, co-chair of the Reach Out for Youth Dinner, and as a member of the association’s Strategic Planning Committee.
He also volunteers his time for the Y-USA Regional Committee on Membership Standards (RCMS) – Region 1 that governs Ys from Maine to Washington DC.
Also, Mr. Robinson is currently serving on the Board of Directors of New Hampshire Public Radio (NHPR), New Hampshire Charitable Foundation (Manchester Board), and the Southern New Hampshire University Alumni Board of Directors. He is the Immediate Past-Chairman of the Palace Theater Trust Manchester.
Mr. Robinson also served on the Elliot Hospital Health System, Mary and John Elliot Foundation, NeighborWorks Southern New Hampshire, and CASA of New Hampshire.
He joined the AAIA in 2002, and served as President from 2013 through 2017. He is the chair of the Nominating Committee and is on the Steering and Executive Committees.
He is an avid runner, having completed two New York City Marathons and the Chicago Marathon. Wayne is a certified TRX instructor and leads Spin classes. He resides in Goffstown with his wife, Kim.