Annual Election of the Board of Directors and Officers

Shape the Future of the AAIA

Election Overview

Our annual elections are a crucial part of our governance. Each year, a rotating slate of board members is up for election. Directors serve two-year terms, with a portion of the board being elected each year to ensure continuity. Officer elections occur every two years, selected from the existing Board of Directors. Each member gets one vote, made by the Primary Registrant or Main Contact.

Votes will be tallied shortly after the close of the election. The candidates elected to the Board of Directors was announced during the Annual Business Meeting which will be held virtually on Thursday, September 12, at 1:00PM EST.  

Important Dates

  • Email Campaign for Nominations: August 5, 2024
  • Voting Open:  August 19, 2024
  • Voting Closed:  August 30, 2024
  • Annual Board Meeting:  September 12, 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm EST

The email asked for a call for Nominations at which point the Primary Registrant may make "nominations from the floor." Nominations from the floor need to be submitted within the two week period leading up to the election to

Join the Board or Committees

Interested in making a difference? Learn how you can join our Board of Directors or one of our committees. Joining our leadership team is a rewarding way to contribute to our mission and impact our community.

 Learn MoreWant to Join the Leadership Team

Annual Business Meeting

The Annual Business Meeting will be held virtually.

To learn about accomplishments, goals, and the results of the election see 2024 Annual Business Meeting under About AAIA or use this link:  ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING.